Twitter, Tweets, Twestival, Tweetheart... pt1

. Thursday, May 28, 2009

Everyone is using and talking about Twitter. From talk show host Ellen, to dictators in North Korea. Twitter is an amazing communication tool with endless possibilities, however brands are still unsure how to use Twitter effectively.

The next few posts will be all about how your company can use Twitter to build relationships with potential and existing customers.

*For a list of Twitter terms as seen in the title of this post visit the Twitterspeak page on Mashable.

Definition of Tweetheart: that special tweeter who makes your heart skip a beat.

Step 1: People don't enjoy talking or listening to robots.
Twitter RobotExample: From the twitter account (I apologize for using a political website as an example, however it was the best example of how not to use twitter.)

"CIA Deputy Chief Visits Yemen for Talks on Fighting Terrorism: Steven Kappes made an unannounced visit to the co.."

If you visit the
youngrepublicans twitter account you will notice every message includes a link to a website they want you to visit. There are no thoughts, emotions, or questions in any of the messages. There is no indication that there is a real person behind these messages. Even worse it seems the youngrepublicans have a serious problem interacting with other Twitter users.

How can the youngrepublicans use twitter more effectively?

Set-up twitter accounts as an actual human being representing the youngrepublicans brand.

Twitter name: John Doe
Bio: Senior Director for

Now John Doe can express how he feels about anything going on in regards to the youngrepublicans brand.

Posts can now read like this:

"Just read a great article on the CIA Deputy Chief's Visit to Yemen where he talks about fighting terrorism. Let me know what you think."

Take away: When researching online marketing you will hear a lot of people using terms such as engagement, interaction, and transparency.

What do these words mean?

It means consumers want relationships and they can't have relationships with brands that act like robots.

Twitter robot characteristics.
-All talk and no listening
-Never engaging in conversations with other Twitter users
-Automated messages when you receive followers.
-No human attached to the Twitter account
-Generic posts with no opinion, or emotion

The next post will talk about how you can use tools such as Twitter Search and #tags to listen to your existing and potential customers.

Follow me on Twitter @ray kanani

Leverage Local

. Tuesday, May 19, 2009

If you are visiting this site, chances are you found use through the local listings on Google. MarketR ranks high on many important and very expensive search terms such as online marketing and marketing agency.

Thanks to local listings we don't have to bid on these keywords using Google AdWords and in return save thousands of dollars a year.

We receive a lot of inquiries about search engine optimization and questions on how to increase a websites ranking on Google. The problem is SEO takes time and clients usually want immediate results.

What is the solution? - Dominate the local search.
You may have noticed when you search geographically targeted search term such as "Hair Salons in Vancouver" a local map shows up at the top of the Google page. This area is essential for any business serious about increasing it's online presence and growing the customer base. I am sure I do not have to convince you that people actually click on the local search area quite often, as you most likely clicked on it to get here.

Every client we have worked with has signed up for the local search package. And every client we have worked with has noticed a significant increase in web traffic and customers.

MarketR has put together a new search marketing package for small-medium sized businesses. We set you up with local listings and optimize for the most popular local search terms. We also integrate your website with tracking software so that you understand how your customers are finding you and where you can improve. Finally we set up Google AdWords so that you can bid on keyword that will drive potential customers to your website.

Inquire today about the search marketing package for small-medium sized business.
or ask for Ray at 604 728 4979

YouTube Ad Competition

. Sunday, May 17, 2009

Some of us at the MarketR team recently entered the Young Lions YouTube Ad Competition.

Let us know what you think and check out some of the other entries. Young Lions 2009 - Ridiculous Vancouver

Why do we buy?

. Friday, May 1, 2009

It has been a while since we updated the MarketR blog. It is ironic because the past 3 weeks we have been working with clients on developing strategies for keeping online content up to date.

Marketing 101: Consumers don't buy features, they buy benefits.

Why do we buy?

Why do we buy those $140 Nike shoes? Or that $1,000 Hugo Boss suit? Some may say because they are comfortable, or that the fit is better than anything else. That person does not understand why they buy.

Luxury good manufacturers don't sell shoes, suits, or even jewelery, they sell confidence, strength, and beauty. That is why we buy the $140 Nike shoes, or the $1,000 Hugo Boss suit. Not for the fit or for the comfort; instead, for the association of strength, confidence and beauty.

As the marketplace becomes increasingly more competitive, products become more and more generic. Take for example the bottled water industry. There are numerous companies selling bottled water, and they are all selling the exact same product. (Some may disagree, but when researchers did blind taste tests participants could not differentiate bottled water from tap water.) Bottled water companies can't promote their convenience because all there competitors are just as convenient. They can't promote their price because water is free. Because of this they have to create an association with an admirable human character trait. For example, Evian is perceived as being classy, and sophisticated. When consumers purchase Evian water they are not purchasing it for the convenience, or for the taste, they are purchasing it to be associated with class and sophistication. (There is a popular joke when talking about Evian water. Just read the word Evian backwards.)

What does this all mean?
It actually means a lot. It means that multi-million dollar corporations only have one thing that separates them from small-medium sized businesses, a multi-million dollar marketing budget. With this budget they are able to manipulate consumers into believing that purchasing overpriced shoes will result in admirable character traits such as confidence, strength and beauty.

Stop selling your product. Start selling your brand!
What does your company stand for? It isn't goods, or services. It is the desire to give back to the local community, it is your love for the environment, it is your dedication to volunteering. Consumers don't buy Nike shoes, they buy everything that Nike stands for.

MarketR allows you to promote what your company stands for without the multi-million dollar marketing budget.