Leverage Local

. Tuesday, May 19, 2009
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If you are visiting this site, chances are you found use through the local listings on Google. MarketR ranks high on many important and very expensive search terms such as online marketing and marketing agency.

Thanks to local listings we don't have to bid on these keywords using Google AdWords and in return save thousands of dollars a year.

We receive a lot of inquiries about search engine optimization and questions on how to increase a websites ranking on Google. The problem is SEO takes time and clients usually want immediate results.

What is the solution? - Dominate the local search.
You may have noticed when you search geographically targeted search term such as "Hair Salons in Vancouver" a local map shows up at the top of the Google page. This area is essential for any business serious about increasing it's online presence and growing the customer base. I am sure I do not have to convince you that people actually click on the local search area quite often, as you most likely clicked on it to get here.

Every client we have worked with has signed up for the local search package. And every client we have worked with has noticed a significant increase in web traffic and customers.

MarketR has put together a new search marketing package for small-medium sized businesses. We set you up with local listings and optimize for the most popular local search terms. We also integrate your website with tracking software so that you understand how your customers are finding you and where you can improve. Finally we set up Google AdWords so that you can bid on keyword that will drive potential customers to your website.

Inquire today about the search marketing package for small-medium sized business.

or ask for Ray at 604 728 4979