Leverage = Doing More With Less

. Friday, March 6, 2009
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MarketR was featured once again on a popular PR blog. Check out the post about leveraging social media.

Again this shows why the internet is so powerful. When done right, publicity about your company can spread like wild fire.

When we developed the marketing strategy for Toni&Guy's W.A.R. show, we knew it was going to be a huge success. We had no idea about the publicity MarketR would get.

The key is to leverage everything. Turn something small that your company does, into something big.

I just had a meeting with a client who donates to local charities on a regular basis. I asked who knew about their donations? The client replied, the company's staff know about the donations and clients when they come visit the store. This is great initiative, as it builds company moral and clients feel great about patronizing a store that gives back to the community.
The internet allows you to take it one step further. By posting the annual donations on a company's twitter account, blog and e-mail newsletter you take it to the next level. Now thousands of people know about your great contributions. Potential clients are more likely to patronize your store and individuals looking for a job in a company that values giving back are likely to give you a call.

Where it gets really good, is when other bloggers and twitter users start talking about your contribution. Now thousands more people are talking about your company's donations and thousand more potential clients know why your company is different from others.

You never know what is going to be picked up by people on the internet, but there is only one way to find out. Remember to leverage everything!