Remix Manifesto

. Sunday, March 8, 2009
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Today is the Vancouver screening of "Remix Manifesto" a documentary about the copyright laws.

The internet allows anyone to collaborate with people from all over the world. The creative content that has been developed thanks to the internet is incredible. Just look at Wikipedia, one of the most popular websites in the world with content generated by people all over the world. In order to fund Wikipedia they asked for donations and were able to raise millions of dollars through small donations.

Unfortunately there are some corporations that don't like the empowerment the internet brings. Mostly because controlling what people can and can't do is how these companies make money.

Check out the trailer for the documentary. Playing March 8th 7pm at Vancity Theater. Also the film is part of opensource cinema. Meaning all video clips were posted online and anyone could collaborate in putting in the background music and clipping the film together.