Someone once asked me, "how did you get so smart?" Of course I was flattered but I responded, "I am not smart, I just listen to smart people and repeat what they are saying."
Seth Godin is one of the most insightful marketers in the world. You can read Seth's Blog here.
I read his blog every day, and after reading his posts my brain goes crazy with new marketing ideas.
One of his posts called "Do ads work?" is incredibly insightful and really sums up why online marketing is so powerful.
He asks, "If a bank was selling one dollar bills for 90 cents, how many dollar bills would you buy?"
Hopefully your answer is, "as many dollar bills as I can possibly have."
So why do you have an advertising budget? If your ads bring in more money then they cost, why not buy as many ads as you can? And if they are not profitable why are you running them?
There is a simple answer to this questions. "I can't tell which ads are profitable and which ads are not." For traditional advertising this is absolutely true.
Online marketing is different. You can find out how much money your search marketing is making you. You can see who opened your email blast and visited your store because of it. You can see how many visitors to your website/blog looked at your contact information in order to visit your store.
With Search Marketing, E-Mail Marketing and Web Analytics your able pay 90 cents for a dollar.
There is a famous saying in marketing, "50% of my marketing budget is wasted money. The problem is, I don't know which 50% it is."
With MarketR you no longer have to worry about wasting money.
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